Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day: November 6th: Don't Forget to Vote!

2012 Election Guide

Dear Mr Robin B Tucker,

Following is your 2012 Election Guide. We here at NWYC hope you find this helpful and please remember every vote counts!

State and Territorial Election Offices
If you have any questions about the election process or voting, contact your state or territorial election office:
Alabama Kentucky Oklahoma Additional Resources:
Alaska Louisiana Oregon
American Samoa Maine Pennsylvania
Arizona Maryland Puerto Rico
Arkansas Massachusetts Rhode Island
California Michigan South Carolina
Colorado Minnesota South Dakota
Connecticut Mississippi Tennessee
District of Columbia Missouri Texas
Delaware Montana Utah
Florida Nebraska Vermont
Georgia Nevada Virgin Islands
Guam New Hampshire Virginia
Hawaii New Jersey Washington
Idaho New Mexico West Virginia
Illinois New York Wisconsin
Indiana North Carolina Wyoming
Iowa North Dakota  
Kansas Ohio

NOTE: NWYC does not financially support nor endorse any candidate or Political Party

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